Background reading
This is a list of publications you may want to add to your library. Some may be out of print now but copies can be picked up through well know auction sites:
The Roland Pike Story: Motorcycle racing in the golden Age by Roland H Pike & William R Hoddinott
Don't Trudge it -Rudge it by Bryan Reynolds published by Haynes ISBN 0854291881
Performance Tuning in Theory & Practice, A. Graham Bell, ISBN 0 85429 275 6
Tuning for Speed, ISBN 978 1 58850 131 8
Rudge Whitworth - The Complete Story by Bryan Reynolds Crowood press ISBN 9781847976871
The Family of Rudge by Reinhard Schwartz, testimonials of a legendary motorcycle. A VMCC publication ISBN 9780956031204
The Story of Rudge Motorcycles by Peter Hartley ISBN 0850595118